Salida Museum Collection
This collection of images, histories, and ephemera is part of the Salida Museum Collection. Included in the collection are a trove of negatives that were gifted to the museum by Tom Rampton in the early 1970s. Tom owned the Photo Image Studio at 229 F Street (formerly the Morris Photo Studio, and formerly the Hay Studio). In 1973, the studio moved across the street to 212 F. The photo collections that were a part of all of the studios located at 229 F were then donated to the Salida Museum.
The Museum gifted these negatives to the Salida Library in December 2018. The images can be dated back to the 1880s up into the 1960s. Most of the following images are reproduced from negatives.

The following thirteen images were scanned by Tim Brown from negatives donated to the Museum. They date to 1903, and include several bird’s eye views of Salida, some street views, and a somewhat damaged image of Turret. All are presumed to be the work of Newell Meigs.
Inside the Victoria Tavern at 143 Lower F – July 3, 1956

Monarch Ski Area. Monarch Ridge is in background and Highway 50 is right behind the parked cars as skiers head to the slopes
Images below of the Salida Hot Springs Pool at 410 W. Rainbow Blvd.
Images above are a group shot of Salidans at the Pokey in front of the Chamber of Commerce on April 4, 1959
Days of 49 parade on F Street – unknown date
Salida Gas Service Company at 228 E Street. Images of employees and service vehicles.
Rainbow Lanes bowling alley at 7615 Hwy 50
United States Forest Service crew; Ranger Jack Wolfe is in suit and tie and Forester John Clark, Sr. is in suspenders:
Unknown family on camping trip; possibly at the Goat Wadi on C.R. 224:
Salida High School 1892, located on present-day Longfellow School property
McCray School at the corner of 3rd and D
Kesner Junior High School
Salida High School – burned in April 1962
Salida Academy cornerstone laying – 1886
The groundbreaking for the Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Building at 508 F Street took place in April 1958. It opened on June 6, 1959.
The four images above were taken May 2 and 19, 1958
The four images above were taken March 3, 1957
City Council with Mountain States employees at the Grand Opening June 6, 1959
The three images above were taken May 21, 1967
Steer vs. Car. Carl Rundell is pictured in the quilted jacket. George Everent is in plaid. Nov. 29, 1955
Couple at 420 F Street