Salida High School Le Resume Yearbooks

A History of the Salida High Year Book: ‘The first Salida High School Annual, Le Resume, was published in 1913, under the leadership of Alinda E. Montgomery as faculty supervisor, Ruth Rubin as editor-in-chief, and Bartle Day as business manager. The annual was published every year after that until 1919 and 1920, when no annual was edited, due to the war. The 1931 senior class decided to print a large edition of the Tenderfoot [Salida High’s literary magazine] instead of the regular Le Resume. The following year the graduating class brought forth a memory book, entitled Class Memories. This year the class of ’33 has succeeded in keeping up the precedent established by the class of 1913 but its publication named Spartan Echoes. Although this book is not so large as the annuals have been in the first few years after the initial publication, the class feels justly proud of itself in being able to produce such a book under these adverse conditions. For the last three years, no charge has been made to the students for the year book. Formerly Le Resume sold a $1.00 a copy. It is the hope of this staff that in the years to come the original Le Resume can be published again as it was in years gone by.’ – 1933 Le Resume